get comfortable cause there are demos galore

Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood expansion pack demo is released in both single and multiplayer (615Mb) Blue's News has list of links for downloads

Serious Sam 2 the hectic fps that doesnt take itself as seriously (no pun intended) as so many games out there but will assault you with an onslaught of neverending enemies tard-rushing you from all angles (239Mb) has the list of mirrors for the demo

Starship Troopers the game based on the films (yes there was a sequel) and looked quite promising in previews and screenshots has made available a single player demo (450Mb) get it here

Bet on Soldier the french "wagering" shooter that has come to be known for its "armour suits" has released both the single (541Mb) and multiplayer demos (384Mb) get them here

and for those of you who haven't given up on the Vietnam jungle themed games the multiplayer demo for Vietcong 2 (444Mb) is out there and features 2 maps for CTF/DM/TDM modes of gameplay for up to ....64 people. Get it at Worthplaying