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Tuesday, January 09, 2007 

what i will remember of 2006

i guess its the announcement that the CPL is making a game:

Severity is a multiplayer
first person shooter (FPS)
focusing on team-versus-team
and one-versus-one play modes.
Additionally, the game offers
unprecedented support for gamers
worldwide playing in online and live competitions
both casually and professionally.

“Severity will be the first videogame
conceived from the ground up
to ensure the growth and appeal
of multiplayer game
competitions worldwide,” said Tom Mustaine,
Director of Game Development at the CPL’s new studio.

Severity is built on technology
created by developer id Software™
and includes enhanced tournament support,
spectator modes, as well as detailed player
and tournament statistics tracking.
By leveraging the enthusiastic community
and practical experiences of the CPL,
Severity is uniquely positioned to set
new standards while raising the bar
for competitive multiplayer games.

should be interesting
but will it be good enough
i mean u still have people playing CS 1.6 (50, 000+)
most of the gamers are still scattered across so many games

they are hoping to find a way that will get all gamers playing the same game
from an entity that is expected to understand what gaming is all about
they are treading on what could be some potentially thin ice

if this idea bombs...
they will have lost any of the cred they may have gathered in all those years of hard work promoting gaming and the spirit of competition which is why i am betting that after all this time and energy in the CPL and CAL to let it slip away quite so easily

in the meantime visit here regularly i guess

Monday, January 01, 2007 

Do it yourself FPS looks at the upcoming Do-it-yourself / drag and drop fps game creating tool (Vista+DirectX 10 version compatability no less) that is releasing

Go here for some sample screenies