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The key difference is that this game takes the "unlocks" of games like Battlefield 2142 to the next level. Like most MMOs, players pick a class (Enforcer, Avenger or Phantom) and then equip themselves. In more of an FPS-bent though, their typical FPS skills are linked to the equipment their character has earned. Each piece of equipment provides the character with additional ability slots, up to a maximum of five per battle. Players then must carefully select which abilities to bring in. These can be anything from sprint, to an anti-headshot device that prevents those pesky one-shot kills. Others include things players may often take for granted in normal FPS games, like one that allows players to see how many hit-points their enemies have left.
The key difference is that this game takes the "unlocks" of games like Battlefield 2142 to the next level. Like most MMOs, players pick a class (Enforcer, Avenger or Phantom) and then equip themselves. In more of an FPS-bent though, their typical FPS skills are linked to the equipment their character has earned. Each piece of equipment provides the character with additional ability slots, up to a maximum of five per battle. Players then must carefully select which abilities to bring in.
These can be anything from sprint, to an anti-headshot device that prevents those pesky one-shot kills. Others include things players may often take for granted in normal FPS games, like one that allows players to see how many hit-points their enemies have left.
3/21/2007 | Permalink