GRAW according to

As we get closer to the release date of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (aka GR3) and an impending demo release the team at has their preview of what to expect from the much anticipated Ubisoft release.
"If there was one thing the graphical menu has missing,
we'd say it's weather effects. Across the range of
levels we played, there was a notable absence
of rain, snow, sand or dust blowing across the level"
"there are a number of single and multiplayer game
types for you to engage in, from the standard
team-based objective-centric multiplayer,
to a large single player campaign and everything
in between. There are 12 single player
levels (each with a number of sub-campaigns)"
we'd say it's weather effects. Across the range of
levels we played, there was a notable absence
of rain, snow, sand or dust blowing across the level"
"there are a number of single and multiplayer game
types for you to engage in, from the standard
team-based objective-centric multiplayer,
to a large single player campaign and everything
in between. There are 12 single player
levels (each with a number of sub-campaigns)"
Interestingly they go on to compare both the Xbox 360 version and the PC version which besides the fact that they run on the same graphics engine are extremely different. The PC version will be entirely first person and the Xbox 360 will have an over the shoulder 3rd person view.
"Also different are some aspects of level design -
PC levels will have more cover and will be
more intricate, because of the added accuracy
gamers will have. Enemies will be a bit more
crafty, and there will be additions to the tactical aspect
of the game, with the tactical planning menu"
PC levels will have more cover and will be
more intricate, because of the added accuracy
gamers will have. Enemies will be a bit more
crafty, and there will be additions to the tactical aspect
of the game, with the tactical planning menu"
The gameplay has remained true to tradition: